What To Do In Your Backyard In November
Average temperature: High 79 Low 59
Rainfall: 2.32 inches
Daylight Savings Time Change on November 3, 2024
What to plant
Vegetables: Beet, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, collard, endive, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard, onion, pea, radicchio, radish, rhubarb, rutabaga, spinach, Swiss chard and turnip.
Flowers: Ageratum, alyssum, baby's breath, black-eyed Susan, bush daisy, calendula, California poppy, candytuff, carnation, cat's whiskers, chrysanthemum, cleome, cornflower, delphinium, dianthus, dusty miller, foxglove, gaillardia, geranium, goldenrod, heliotrope, hollyhocks, Iceland poppy, impatiens, larkspur, lobelia, ornamental cabbage & kale, pansy, petunia, phlox, salvia, shasta daisy, snapdragon, stock, sweet pea, verbena, viola and wax begonias.
Herbs: Anise, arugula, basil, borage, chive, cardamon, chervil, cilantro, coriander, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, lavender, lemon balm, lovage, Mexican tarragon, mint, nasturtium, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, sweet marjoram, thyme and watercress.
Bulbs: African iris, amaryllis, anemone, bulbine, crinum, day lily, rain lily, ranunculus, society garlic, spider lily and narcissus; refrigerated Dutch iris, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and similar bulbs needing a cold treatment before flowering.
Grasses: Lomandra Breeze, Lomandra ‘Lime Tuff’ (or Tough), Miscanthus ‘Adagio’, Muhly Grass, Dwarf Fakahatchee, White Fountain Grass, Lemon Grass.
Lawn care
Many lawns have thinned due to September’s rain and the hurricanes, provide extra attention to help recovery.
- Fall is a good time to sod or plug problem areas in lawns; delay bahiagrass seeding until spring.
- Complete fall feedings with a low phosphorus fertilizer during early November.
- Less water is needed during cool weather; reduce waterings to when the grass begins to wilt.
- Lawn watering is limited to once a week in most areas when Eastern Standard Time returns.
- Water lawns separately from trees and shrubs that need less moisture.
- Repair and adjust sprinklers to water efficiently
- Chinch bug and caterpillar control may still be needed during warm fall weather.
- Your turf may not need a complete fertilizer with nitrogen. Have lawn soil tested by the University of Florida lab to ensure proper feeding.
- Lawns low in potassium can be given extra winter protection with a late month application.
- Brown patch disease can be severe in zoysia; treat this month or when first noted.
- Apply herbicides for your lawn type if needed for broadleaf and sedge weed control.
- Continue mowing at normal heights.
- Aerate hard to wet, compacted and nematode infected soils.
- Sow ryegrass in barren areas for a temporary lawn starting in late November.
- Remove and compost fallen leaves on turfgrass.
- Fill in shady problem spots with ornamental ground covers.
Landscape plantings
- Renew mulches to keep height at 3” – 4” to help conserve water during the drier months ahead.
- Most pruning should be completed this month to allow new growth to mature before winter.
- Only remove declining fronds and flower or fruiting stalks from palms to maintain vigor.
- Palm diseases may be spread by pruners; disinfect at least between palms.
- Remove declining warm season flowers and replace with the cool season flowers.
- Work organic matter into flower beds and replace soil in planters before planting.
- Slow release fertilizers are the best way to feed flower beds and containers.
- Extend chrysanthemum life; remove faded flowers, keep the soil moist and feed lightly.
- Make sure poinsettias receive no nighttime light; keep the soil moist and feed monthly.
- Established trees and shrubs need infrequent watering; moisten only during the dry times.
- Flower beds need watering when the surface soil begins to dry to the touch.
- Scale insects have been heavy this year on shrubs and foliage plants; use a natural pesticide oil or spray.
- Leaf spots and die-back are normal on many trees and perennials as they prepare for winter.
- Cooler months provide the ideal time to move small trees and shrubs in the landscape.
- Check braces and supports added to new trees, palms and shrubs.
- Hurricane season ends November 30; select small sturdy trees for new plantings
- Remove limbs and weeds interfering with sprinklers.
- Complete all tree, palm and shrub feedings by mid-month.
- Collect and refrigerate favorite flower seeds in plastic bags and store in the refrigerator.
- Hurry to create wildflower plantings that won’t flower until spring.
- Reduce feedings of orchids and bromeliads in the landscape as the weather cools.
- Divide perennials and bulbs
- Form compost piles to recycle yard waste.
- Be prepared to cover or move cold sensitive plants to a warm location.
- Fill hard to mow and problem areas with shrubs and ground covers.
- Clean birdbaths and prepare feeders for winter.
- Reduce feedings of water garden plantings
Vegetable & fruit gardening
- Remove declining crops and plant the cool season vegetables
- Herbs like the cooler weather; begin new plantings and revive older ones.
- Start seeds of broccoli, cauliflower, collards, onions and similar to produce transplants.
- Cool season vegetables can be added to the garden until February.
- Add a few vegetable plants to the garden each month to have a continual supply.
- The dry season is here; water when the surface soil begins to dry to the touch.
- Improve sandy soils with garden soil, compost, peat moss and composted manure.
- Feed the garden every 3 to 4 weeks with composted manure or a general garden fertilizer.
- Stake or trellis taller growing crops to prevent wind damage and pests.
- Maintain a mulch between plants and rows to conserve water and control weeds.
- Caterpillars have been feeding in the garden; hand pick or use natural controls.
- Give bananas and pineapples a final fall feeding with a general garden fertilizer.
- Many early citruses are ready to harvest; use the taste test to tell when they are ripe.
- Feeding time for citrus and other fruit trees is over.
- Water citrus trees once or twice each week during the dry times.
- Add new citrus or other fruiting trees to the landscape.
- Sow papaya seeds to over winter in containers.
- Delay all fruit tree pruning until late January or February.
Foliage and house plant care
- Plant narcissus and amaryllis bulbs in containers to begin growth for holiday blooms.
- Remember, no nighttime light for holiday plants until they begin to bloom.
- Water holiday cactus and kalanchoe when the soil dries to the touch; keep poinsettias moist.
- Wash away dust and plant pests with a soapy water solution
- Check and treat outdoor plants for insects before bringing them indoors.
- Discontinue or reduce foliage plant feedings every other month.
- Begin bringing cold sensitive foliage plants indoors.
Photo: Teresa Watkins